From @leebinnsphotography taken at Threadneedle Street in London. Thanks. Is there any more info about this? took this at Daytona Beach and says it has stood as a symbolic landmark for the “World’s Most Famous Beach” since 1938. – Thanks!
Thanks @greenwichgirl for this image taken at Acton Town Underground Station. There is something about some of these old stations and clocks that I really like.
Amazing image from another clock lover @timekeeper5 who explains – The clock faces of the old MetLife Tower in NYC. Each clock face is 26.5 feet in diameter…
New feature being worked on. The Clock World Map. Zoom in and out to navigate and click on the pins to take you direct to that page for…
The JR Clock, Tokyo, Shinjuku Station. On the Platform from @felipe_de_glasse who says- Who doesn’t love train stations, their industrial functionality is so beautiful. Sometimes we need to…
@littleleprechaun90 posted this great image with a lovely blue sky background in Columbia.
Interesting image from @julia_go_leafs I think from Slovakia. The bells that you see are in use and chime!
Great image from @mongulden who says: Big Ben is an amazing visual landmark icon in London. Alongside the historic houses of Parliament it provides a very memorable experience…
A second image from Garry Browning. I think this is taken in London?… Remember to check out Garrys full feed at